
Responses from walkern

Who still sells NOS Telefunken 6922's?
There is a place in Chicago called Triode Electronics (773) 871-7459 that often has difficult to find tubes. Their prices are very reasonable, and the guys who run the place really know their stuff. They keep odd hours and are sometimes tough to r... 
Lowther Speaker's?
They are extremely fast and detailed. I owned 6A's, and a friend now has 7A's. They sound thin in the mid bass, and they have an upper midrange peak that makes them sound like they have some extra detail. Cabinet matching is CRITICAL. Most use rea... 
Am I deaf?
I hate to just jump on the bandwagon, but what the heck. Dump that integrated and get a decent passive preamp. I have an Audio Synthesis Passion (pricey but superb) and I can detect every slight change in the rest of my system (Cal Delta/Theta Bas... 
The Cardas is a safe bet, but it is a bit pricey. The Nordost is a little zippy in the upper midrange and treble, and requires VERY careful system/room matching. The Harmonic Tech. cables are a over rated and over priced in my opinion. Permit me t... 
Center for Cornwalls
I sold Klipsch speakers for a number of years and found that the best match for older Cornwalls (if you didn't want to do another Cornwall) was a Forte 1 or II. If you need a compact speaker (ie non-floor standing), try an original Heresy. None of... 
Still using Harmonic Tech. interconnects, but recently switched to A.P. Silver Oval speaker wires. The stuff is incredible. I am so pleased I actually wrote a review at 'audioreview'. VERY revealing yet VERY musical, which in my experience is a to... 
any GOOD mag devoted to analog + tubes?
Only thing I know that comes close is "Listener". They love analog and they love single ended triode, but they don't limit the magazine to only those technologies. U.S. subcriptions at (800) 513-8407. 
12AX7 tubes for Counterpoint NP400
The Sovtek 12AX7 is an okay sounding tube at best. If you are looking for good advice and very nice pricing, try Triode Electronics in Chicago. (773) 871-7459. Their hours are quirky, so keep trying. I have been buying vintage tubes from them for ...