
Responses from wdesbrow

Fair price for a Yamaha RX-V1
Thank you all for the input.Paraneer -- Thanks for the good suggestion.  I should have mentioned that I have a 2-channel system set up separately from my HT system -- but I may need to combine the two in the future. 
Portable Radio Quality?!?
I will follow up; thank you all.  BTW, I do have a GE Super Radio that is in OK shape for "garage listening" but needs a whip antenna.  It appears to be 10 mm at its base.  Can anyone steer me to a good source for replacement antennae?   
Fair price for a Yamaha RX-V1
Thank you, Tony. 
Fair price for a Yamaha RX-V1
WOW!  ...but I guess not that surprising.  THANKS, all.  Good, consistent input.  Given its condition and its past performance, I took an "educated guess" a couple days ago and placed it at $490 (as I recall), which apparently is a little on the h... 
Thank you all.  Great perspective. 
AM and FM antenna systems
Thanks, all, for the response, feedback.Creed:  What they are trying to do is pull in local AM and FM signals without a lot of interference from neighboring signals (called multi-path?). The stations they like re probably all within 20-25 miles aw... 
AM and FM antenna systems
Many thanks to each of you for the quick response.  I assume from the lack of comment following Yogiboy'S AM comment that significant AM improvement is most likely a lost cause (?).Also... if they were OK with spending $300+ would you advise buyin... 
Headphone DAC/Preamps
Thanks for your responses. See Above: Is there any quality difference between the units that use the 1/4 inch jack and the units that use a "mini" jack?IS there a significant difference between using balanced 1/4 inch and unbalanced 4-pin?