
Responses from xxmalakeixx

Krell KID vs. Wadia i170.
So neither of these actually contains a DAC?? as in, you still need to spend additional cash on a good DAC to get any real improved sound? bourns to this mide as well buy a DAC/Amp combo and save yourself 400 bux. 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
Personally, ive found source components and speakers have 90% of the weight in your sound. So that being said i would spend the money there. If its for a 2ch system get a good CDP or SACDP ill never forget the difference i heard after buying my fi... 
Oppo 970 sounds better than HDDVD player on DVDs?
My comparison may be unfair, however Ive used the oppo for both video and audio before. I was very dissapointed with the 970, but i think unjustly so. I tried comparing the unit to my Rega Planet with same IC same Power same everything. Rega sung ...