
Responses from zacho

best FLEXIBLE cables
Triode Wire Labs are worth a look as well. 
Synergistic Research HFT + FEQ
I managed to source for the 1/4" copper cones but have no such luck finding 1/8" copper caps from plumbing suppliers and other hardware stores here in Singapore. Any kind soul here willing to sell me your extras if you have any? 
Synergistic Research HFT + FEQ
Has anyone compared the HFT's to the new UEF Acoustic Dots? 
Synergistic Research UEF Acoustic Dots?
Has anyone compared these UEF dots to the HFT's? I've tried a friend's set of the HFT's in my system and found them to solidify the bass notes but tend to thin out the mid-range slightly.  
What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??
@jgoomba5  The TWL Speaker cables really are amazing performers. My favorite TWL cable out of the entire loom. The interconnects sound similar to the speaker cables so if you're in need of interconnects and like the TWL speaker cables, you know wh... 
What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??
falconquest,If you've heard and liked what the TWL power cables bring to the table, I think you should give their speaker cables some serious consideration as well.  
What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??
Just got a pair of Triode Wire Labs American Speaker Cables and they really are great. I have a full loom of TWL cables and while they were the last piece, I feel they brought about the biggest improvements in tonal balance, more PRAT, and more de... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
how would you compare the Sr black with the am beeswax shd?  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Anyone here tried the new Audio Magic Beeswax SHD Fuse? Currently have a SR Black Fuse installed in my DAC and am in the market for another fuse for my integrated amp. Might try the AM Beeswax SHD if there is enough positive feedback. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I just received my SR Black Fuse to be placed in my EE Minimax Plus DAC. I realised that the previous owner of the dac had changed the fuse to a Bussman Ceramic Fuse and wasn't running with the stock fuse as I had initially thought. Anyway, immedi... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
So I dreamt about the SR Black fuses last night. Took it as a divine message and bought one the moment I woke up before heading off for my swimming training at 5am. Beyond excited now. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
@charles1dad Thanks for the very warm welcome. I will make sure to post impressions WHEN i get the fuses :)I will be installing the fuses in the IEC Inlets of both my DAC and Amp. From my amp's manual, i've managed to find out that I require a 4A ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
New here and also a virgin to aftermarket fuses. Has anyone here had experience with an Eastern Electric Minimax Plus DAC? Would love to put in a SR Black Fuse in that but I can't seem to find the required rating. (I'm from Singapore and we use 24...