12ax7 vs 5751

hi all,
i need some advice. i`m very new to tube amplifiers and i`ve been doing some tube rolling.

i currently have a pair of grant fidelity matched psvane 12ax7t`s in my amp which sound fantastic.

what i`d like to know is which are the better tubes, 12ax7`s or 5751 tubes. i`ve been looking at forums and there are folk out there that say 5751 tubes are better than 12ax7 tubes.

can i have your thoughts on this please and also which are the good 5751`s to go for.

i really like the psvanes but if they can be bettered i`d go for it as my next line up of replacement tubes.

my amp is a yaqin mc100b. the tubes i have installed at the moment are.....
2 x psvane 12ax7t`s
2 x brimar 6sn7gty/cv1988`s
2 x sylvania 6sn7gtb`s
4 x electro harmonix kt88eh`s

many thanks in advance guys.

Showing 4 responses by ryriken

Buy all means get a pair. I really like them, i use them in my VT 5.5 pre-amp, i also like and use the Phillips Mini Watt 12ax7. Very smooth i like them, as usual YMMV......
I have a pair of each that test way good.The RCA is Triple Black Plate 1960. Really did not like them in my VTL 5.5 pre-amp. Went back to 12ax7, like some one said in what circuit are you using them in means a lot. They test on a B@K 700 with 22 being minimum good 35/35 and 34/32. The RCA i got from Jim McShane.
They are good tubes have a few and i like them, I also like the 12ax7 Mini Watt too. Both in my VTL 5.5 pre-amp.
I have 2 pairs of 5751 RCA and Sylvania, all test very good. I think they are RCA Triple Mica Black Plate, from 1960's.How much do they go for. I don;t need them, i like the 12ax7 in my VTL 5.5. 1pair RCA 1 pair Sylvania
Thanks for any info