2 channel Poll: Vote: Do you use Tubes or SS?

after using tubes for almost 12 years now, 2 of those using hybrids, i am now going to use Solid State amps for the 1st time in my audio life. Reasons? I have too many high maitanence things in my life (job,girlfriend car, not in any particular order) and can't see using 16 output tubes in addition to the 32 I use for source gear. So the question, of the memebers here, chime in, do you use SS or Tubes??

Btw: this isnt a Tubes vs SS is better thread.
A bit of both worlds actually. LS-15 hybred/tube pre, Marchand XM126 tube crossover, Cary SLA 70 Sig (all tube) and Classe CA-400. But I have to admit that getting good tubes is a pain.
I'm pretty much tubed (DAC, SACD, phono stage, preamp) down to the amps, then I use tubes from 200hz up and SS below 200hz. While I might prefer a lower crossover point, I like to think I'm getting the best of both worlds.
SS, for the same reasons: too much hassle, maintenance, and sound variability from tube to tube, plus one other problem you can never get around on tube amps-- output impedance / damping factor. If you are going to go SS, would suggest sticking to brands which make excellent ss and tube amps, ie BAT.
BATVK500 ss amp, BATVK30 tubed preamp. I'm too busy, lazy, and cheap to consider a tubed amplifier
I have stuck with SS, All Mcintosh with th exception of the CD pre-filter using tubes to "warm' the digital output. Realy cool