

Garage System

I listen to music while I spend the long winter months tuning my car

14 year-old Son's system

Budding audiophile in the making

Traveling System

Makes traveling bearable

Home Theatre

unobtrusive and reasonably priced

1989 Toyota Supra Turbo System

1989 Toyota Supra Turbo System

For a car this size, lots of gear!

The infamous Tat

The infamous Tat

Since many of you commented on my request for ideas, here's the finished product

Home office, makes working enjoyable

Most of this system were hand-me-downs from my main rig. Sounds quite good for a 10 x 12 room. I've skimped some on IC's, I imagine I'll upgrade those over time.

DIY Audio Rack

DIY Audio Rack

I was looking for a small, inexpensive audio rack for my system at work. The system is comprised of: Proton 930 Receiver Micromega Leader CD player NHT SuperOne speakers Goertz M1 1 Meter Micro...

Outdoor System

Used in a shed, facing my in-ground pool. The Mirage speakers are quite good all things considered and can stay outside 12 months of the year.

DIY Footers

DIY Footers

I had a need for footers that would save my hardwood floor and audio rack. I made two different footers: 1) A 3" by 3" constrained layer sandwich. 1/2" MDF, then a layer of Wurth Noise Suppression...

Main Rig- I'm done

Main Rig- I'm done

This is my main rig and I've spent a lot of time swapping stuff til I got it sounding the way I like it. Not 100% satisfied cuz I probably never will be, any suggestions are welcome. Jeff

12-year old Daughter's system

Another 'phile in the making

10-year old daughter's system

It was all about putting together a nice sounding starter system on a budget. Got the Parasound receiver and tape deck for $90, CDP for $50, speakers for $200. Look for Erica's name on AudioGon in ...

Work System

Work System

Continues to evolve