47 lab Shigaraki 4717 vs the 47 lab Gaincard 4706

Has anyone done a A/B test between the 47 lab Shigaraki 4717 amp vs the 47 Lab Gaincard 4706 amp? I know both have great reviews.
This is an old thread , but am still interested in the AMP-1 vs Gaincard comparison.
Anyone heard them both?
Art, Can you comment on Audio Zone AMP-1? When compare to 47 lab's 25 wpc gaincard, do they each other sound close? AMP-1 offer a substantial low price, half or 2/3 of the 25 wpc gaincard's cost. It would be interesting finally someone catching up.
I had a chance to audition the Shigaraki and 25 wpc gaincard . I found the 25 wpc gaincard to be far superior.
I also had the Audio Zone Amp 1 and at 45 wpc was very impressed.
The Shiaraki build quality is poor and had a loud hum when I played my tuner through it.
Hope this helps.
The only thing I can tell you, if it's any help, is that between the 25 watt and 50 watt gaincard, the 25 is the better one, eapecially with the mod.