A DAC that can make digital sound analog?

Hi All,

I have a ModWright Oppo 105D. It’s excellent....but it sure don’t sound like vinyl or tape.

What DACs have you heard that really work like magic on digital audio files? 

I am interested in DACs that kill that digital glare/blare, that gives you that sense of ‘blackness’ or ‘darkness’ to the audio soundscape, really letting you hear into the mix...ya know that layering, space and depth that is very evident on tape.

Very curious to hear your thoughts.

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Showing 2 responses by rexp

I have heard a cd v vinyl comparison using the modright oppo 105 and half the audience preferred the cd which i thought sounded like noise. So be careful who you take advice from. I am sure a good digital solution is out there but like you I'm still looking.