A DAC that can make digital sound analog?

Hi All,

I have a ModWright Oppo 105D. It’s excellent....but it sure don’t sound like vinyl or tape.

What DACs have you heard that really work like magic on digital audio files? 

I am interested in DACs that kill that digital glare/blare, that gives you that sense of ‘blackness’ or ‘darkness’ to the audio soundscape, really letting you hear into the mix...ya know that layering, space and depth that is very evident on tape.

Very curious to hear your thoughts.

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Showing 1 response by tcatch

I had a chance to hear the Audio Mirror DAC recently and it was very impressive, especially considering the relatively modest price. The word that seemed apt to several of the listeners was "dynamic".  If I was looking for a new DAC I would definitely give it a more extended audition. Based on that brief first impression, it seemed like a real contender for DAC bargain of the decade.

On the other hand I've been living with a PS Audio Directstream for about a year now, and I am very happy with the sound of that. 

Since I haven't had a turntable in my system for about a decade, I can't really say if either sounds much like vinyl. I can say that neither sounds 'digital' in the negative sense that people seem to have in mind when they ask this sort of question.