A.J. Conti of Basis Audio has passed away.

A. J.  Conti   59 years old , owner of  Basis Audio  has died suddenly.  Analog will never be the same, he will be missed.    Shocking ....   one the last of the Good Guys.
God Bless AJ.

Over the past several years, when our child has come into our audio room inquiring about the Ovation's various parts and mechanics, I've reminded him "Be careful with Uncle AJ's instrument.  He won't be happy if anything happens to it."  Always curious about who's this guy AJ, our son would follow up with "Is AJ an engineer?  What does he look like?  Is he tall? How long did it take him to build this instrument?"

AJ -- A great, compassionate, sensitive human being and dearest of friends.
Sad. I bought a debut gold standard from him in 1990 on advice of Arthur Salvatore that I used and enjoyed for 23 years. It now resides happily with another basis lover in Taiwan. It was the most revealing and enjoyable part of my system.  When I spoke to him on phone his passion was obvious.  He will be missed
For those of you who have not seen his vector tonearm setup dvd you have missed a treat.   It is a testament to his passion for music and his craft and his unique way he wanted to share it with others.  He does a very patient step by step setup process enabling most anyone to set up a tonearm and cartridge optimally.