A thousand audio uses for memory foam. Or maybe just one . . .

So i have this old memory foam topper for my bed, and before I cast it off completely, the DIY part of me I got to thinking, could it be used for acoustics in any way? I don’t have the slightest clue as to the frequency it would be good at, but cutting it into various rectangular shapes and sizes first comes to mind. I could glue them to some plywood and diffract and/or diffuse sound. 

Any other thoughts or suggestions?

Showing 1 response by rodman99999

If you leave it flat, it won’t do much, but(perhaps) absorb some very high frequencies. If you raise portions into waves, rather than cutting it up, you may be able to use it for absorption/diffusion. ie: If it’s big enough: maybe a couple for your early/first(side wall) reflection points. Or- if you’re seating close to a back wall, use it to kill the reflections behind your head.     Finding reflection points: https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=Oa5vfEIXyok