a tube amplifier repair technician

I need my tube amplifier monoblock repaired..I live in New jersey..
any suggestions or directions..pls.
02-25-08: Mrjstark
do you have something in mind - mod or repaire?

I'm considering a mod to my BAT VK-75SE amp. I will look forward to your experience with your amps. I still have not heard back from Bob, though I may try to call him this week.

I just receive the email that work on my amps is completed and there are ready to be pick-up.

Here is some of the work that has been done:
Installed 4 Dynamic loading circuit mods to gain stage and phase inverter/driver tubes..Rewire to eliminate cathode follower stage to output tubes.. Install 2 premium quality Capacitors to phase inverter stage ..

I have not heard them my self yet but here is the fragment of the email that my friend send me.

(Stephen Monte of QFS pick them up for me today and gave them a short run. Stephen is the ONLY dealer that I deal with and is always there when i need some help + I value his opinion since we have a similar taste in music, equipment & food.)

"all I can say is -- WOW --- they sound incredible -- more bass- bigger soundstage -- much more clarity -and detail - wow ---

Should get them on Friday.

let us hear from you what the mods did to your system..
I like the idea of amps revival with decent investments on mods instead of buying newer and more pricey yet not necessarilyl well built gears..
Hi M. Stark, yes thanks for the update, please keep us in the loop. Steve Monte is one of the "good guys" in this hobby to be sure. I look forward to reading of your impressions.

FWIW, how long did it take? While I consider this, and I did call Bob today, he said his turnaround was about three weeks. Yikes! Maybe I should wait for the weather to warm up...

Seriously, I did schedule to visit him next week with my BAT VK-75SE amp. I am really intrigued as to what he can do with this amp.

Umaasa, Jmcgrogan2 (and all that are interested)

I spoke to Steve today on the phone to clarify few things and ask him for OK to spill a little more details and a short comparison between "before" & "after" modification done by Bob Backert. Actually, Steve is the one who introduced me to Bob and he is also working on the mods that would help to get the best out of the components (that he carry but not only).

Why ask for OK?......
Well, those who know me can tell you that I will speak my mind and I don't take sides or sh....t from anyone.
So, I ask Steve to tell me if it is OK to use his and Bobs' name while describing the mods and its benefits .............or not. It's been OK-ed, so in 2-3 days I will let you know if that was the money well spend or not.

Time to finish my Cybers 800 was - 2 weeks and 4 days but I told Bob that I wasn't in the rush. I asked him to take his time if it will help him to get the most out of my amps. I don't want the pressure, I want the results.
But don't forget, each peace of equipment is first evaluated and an appropriate mods are design especialy for that peace and YOU (not Bob). He will ask you to describe the sound you are after and try to make it happened.
Iam personally not crazy about a place that does a mod A/B/C without asking you what is wrong in the first place.
Or places that will tell you that mod "A" will kill everything up to 5K, mod "B" everthing up to 12K & finally mod "C" that will beat everything, including stuff that doesn't exist yet......NO, what I want is a mod that will bring the missing peaces to my nirvana, that's it. I find people in the shadows and those that listen the masters of their trade. Bob seems to be that person. If I am wright, he might become a "secret weapon" for few that know him. But that remains to be scene (heard).

One correction from the previece post that might be confusing for someone reading the work that has been done on Cybers. In "NOTE" it says that using 5687
, actually what it means is that 5687 is not in the chain anymore and if it wasn't bypassed, it would make the amps slower in conjunction with Bobs' custom design mod. 5687 can be plugged in and will glow, but it has no effect on the sound. That was one of my question I ask Steve today.
I hope it is clear now.

I will pick them up Saturday and will do a follow up same night or Sunday night.

John, as to your question:
what can be done to BAT VK-75SE to make it better ???
I think that Bob might have a trick or two up his sleeves.
It is a great amp and I can only imagine what it will sound like when Bob will be done with it. Actually I can't but you get the picture.
