About the EMM Labs DAC

It seems that the EMM Labs DAC only can achieve optimal performance in conjunction with the proprietary Philips or Meitner transport. Does anyone know what might be the reason for this synergy? To me the Philips transport is just another mass production unit with quite an ordinary built quality. But where lies the secret? Is it due to another clock, D/A-converter chip or digital filter? If the Meitner modification is truly an improvement, why can it not be applied to other transports?

The Meitner modification of the Philips SACD-1000 involves the installation of a circuit card in an unused space on the left side of the player. It is (primarily) an optical interface, with individual AT glass fiber outputs for encoded DSD digital data, and also input/output for digital clock. As noted, the Meitner board also provides an AES/EBU (balanced) digital output, for unmodified PCM digital 16/44 only, and the Meitner-modified SACD-1000 could be used as the transport for any DAC accepting a balanced digital input.

The magic happens via the AT glass outputs, when partnered with the Meitner DAC 6, or new DCC-2 DAC/preamp. Together they are absolutely the best digital source I have ever heard, whether playing SACDs, or PCM discs upsampled to DSD. It does not sound remotely "digital" as we have come to use the term, but (at least) an "order of magnitude" better. There is a complete absence of artifact, edginess, irritation, glaze, congestion, harshness, grit, or however you may characterize the entire catalog of unnatural and fatiguing digital distortions, however subtle; they are simply GONE.

If forced to use a single term to describe what most impresses, it would be the overall smoothness of the presentation. To my ear nothing is lost, and the reproduction of nearly everything is improved: air, ambience, space, soundstage depth & width, natural detail, dynamic range, micro and macrodynamics, truth, beauty; I'm sure you get the idea. I am confident that anyone listening to the Meitner gear will recognize the "rightness" of the sound at once. IMO, it is as true to the "Real Thing" as anyone has yet approached in the digital reproduction of music.
With the propietary connection between the Emm Labs/Philips transport and the EMM Labs DAC, Meitner is able to completely eliminate jitter and
it allows redbood CD's [PCM] to be converted to DSD. Of course, I love
the SACD playback on my Emm Labs Dac6, but you also want that poprietary connection so you can hear what this player does for redbook
CD's. As a person who owns over 1,000 redbook CD's, the EMM Labs
transport and DAC is a gift sent by the audio gods. And, as great as it sounds on redbook, SACD is even better. Quite an amazing player!
Any DAC/transport combo that is clock-linked (master/slave) will eliminate jitter in the same manner, AFAIK.

He certainly *can* enable DSD outputs on other players - the SCD-1 being one of them... but clearly he chose the SACD-1000 for the aforementioned reasons (space inside, availability) and probably also due to the fact it's fairly cheap (inexpensive) and easy to come by at the time, plus it being a 6-channel machine too of course. Had to standardize on something -that was probably the best compromise @ the time. Good to hear they are OEM'ing something new though - SACD-1000 even at its best is a mediocre transport from a build quality standpoint. Combine that with the common congenital defect(s) known to exist with it (which are supposedly sorted out and fixable now...) and a new Meitner transport is almost a must, to continue selling DACs.

First off to these ears I have yet to hear anything better than the Meitner combo. I was told that they went with the Philips 1000 because of the drive and that its successor used an inferior one plus Ed liked these drivers better than the Sony's. I have had my combo since last summer with not a problem on the 1000 and I use mine several hours a day. I guess I am lucky. It is also nice to be able to have them several feet apart (as long as that ATT glass cable is) if you need too, as it is the only cable other than the power cord.
Like Panorama I have had no problems with my transport. I've had mine on for the last 3-4 weeks, 24/7 with no problems at all. With the MACE chip update all problems with the SACD1000 are gone, this upgrade is performed when Emm labs modifies these units. I knew of all the problems with the Philips players before I bought one, but trusted the experts when they say confidentally that the problems are fixed. I have not heard of a Philips failure when the player has the MACE chip. Rumor has it that the new transport will resemble the DCC2 more so then the other studio gear(DAC6e, DAC8, switchman, etc..), and that alone may make me want to change, in the mean time I don't think I am "roughing it" with the Philips.

Ed- I can't seem to figure out why you have such a hard on against Emm Labs, when you've acknowledged you haven't heard it yet. When you do you will understand why NO one who owns it cares about the Philips, it sounds so good why waste any time worrying when you could be listening! :o) It just seems the only folks who seem to care about the fact that the SACD1000 is used are those who don't own it or haven't heard it. Do you think folks like Fmpnd, Panorama, Mikelavigne, Mes, Gladstone, Rsbeck- just to name a few- would have a second rate component in there absolute state of the art systems if it wasn't the "real" deal? Just food for thought.