Absolute Sound - do we really need another review like this?

I own the OPPPO 105 player purchased 3 years ago and still very satisfied with it.
There are TONS and TONS of glowing reviews of this unit and apparently oppo is working on a replacement model.

In this current February 2017 issue of Absolute Sound, there is yet another review (a brief one) on this unit.

Kind of long in the tooth and totally futile. Sounds like the following Scenario:

oppo: hi stereophile, look, we are still a few months away from putting out the 105 replacement, could you run something just so that we can keep the flame alive before the new model come out?

 Sorry but that went trough my head reading this review of the still-stellar and reviewed to death Oppo 105.

Cheers all !


Stereophile an Absolute Sound are caters to people with a average income of $195K to $225 K and up ...
I think you're speculating here. What you state is not consistent with the market research these periodicals have published.

Thanks for chiming in. What would we do without your ability to correct all of the hyperbole and misstatements made here on the forum?
I enjoy both Stereophile and Absolute Sound.  
Obviously many others don't.
Who really cares?  
Just listen to the music and let it be.
Let it be...

As far as the cliche that product-based magazines, at least S'phile & TAS, only review items that have been advertised, here's at least one note in contrast:

* While I've seen monthly ads from Chord Electronics in S'phile and, also I believe, TAS, neither magazine has yet reviewed the wonderful Chord DAVE. I love that DAC immensely, best of the 20-or-so I've tried over the past 10 years, and don't care if either magazine praises it or not. I know what I know.

But I'm just curious to see what they might say...even if Chord pays for ad space.

Dave, who calls that idea a cliche based partially on his 10 years as a computer magazine editor from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s where he was never never never told or encouraged to write about a product just because the company advertised in our pages
I didn't read every post here, but it seems the OP was saying that the magazine is shilling for Oppo to sell more units before a new model comes out?  If that's what he's saying, it makes no sense because Oppo has no 105s left to sell.  My old Pioneer finally died and I really wanted a 105, but they were impossible to get new.