Acoustic Zen Adagio Speakers?

Looking to audition a pair of these in the LI area. Anybody? The overwhelming positive chatter that I read on line, wether from professional reviewers, or private owners, caught my attention!
Thank you for your time.


Showing 2 responses by mjmch2003

I heard them at a dealer a few years back, I wanted to be blown away. I recall being underwhelmed, they were very polite with compressed dynamics. I recall the dealer saying something about the "under-hung voice coil." Next to them were a pair of Dali's...Whatevere is the model that's about the same size, I beieve the Ikon. They had low end, slam, great vocals. Def. more of a rock speaker...Those Merlins are awesome, man. I think you'll miss the imaging if you trade them in for the Zen's.