Active-ready multi-way speakers with speaker terminals for each

As the happy owner of a DEQX preamp, I'm interested in upgrading from passive loudspeakers to three-way active-ready speakers that allow me to use DEQX's DSP crossovers and either supply my own outboard amplification for tri-amping the speaker. An internally powered speaker would also work if there were three sets of speaker terminals that offer direct interface between outboard amplifier to each driver, using the DEQX's DSP crossover. What speakers in the $5-15k range meet his criteria? I know the Bryston active speaker models released in 2017 fit the bill exactly, but I'm trying to find other manufacturers offering such a product. Obviously, this is much easier to achieve if I build my own speakers (not able or interested). Perhaps there are more open baffle speakers that are "active-ready"?


Showing 3 responses by blang11

There is also the VAF Research Signature I-93MKII ACTIVE (, which sells for $16,259 USD (according to current exchange rate), which includes onboard amplification and comes with a DEQX HDP-5. That actually fits the budget since I'd factor in the revenue from selling my DEQX PreMate Plus for around $3500. I love the concept of this speaker and the cabinet, while tall and boxy, is still gorgeous. The diffraction pads on the woofers are a head scratcher. 

Thanks, Erik! I’ll basically re-post this in that thread. I already paid a "DEQXpert" Larry Owens to calibrate my current system (3-way passives crossed over to a subwoofer) using the DEQX calibration software. This whole plan basically assumes I can pay him to do the entire calibration for a fully active future system because I would not be up to the task.
@bache I'll have to check you out at Capital Audio Fest in DC this October! I live in DC. What will you be showing?