Advice Needed: Bluesound Node vs Vault

I'd like to ask for some advice/feedback for anyone knowledgeable about the Bluesound Node and Vault. I'm trying to decide between the two and I can't understand why the Vault costs what it does. From my point of view (please correct me), you pay $700 more for the Vault to get a CD ripper and a 2TB hard drive (which costs $65 on Amazon), and LOSE wifi support. I get that it can be more convenient to stick CDs into the Vault to rip them, but outside of that why would I (or anyone) not just buy the Node and rip my CDs using my computer? There are pretty simple ways using software to get a bit perfect rip using a computer. If the Vault was $200 more I could see it, but I'm totally lost why that product has a $700 markup over a Node. Thanks in advance for any feedback!

Showing 2 responses by rhljazz

I own both the Vault 2 and the new Node 2i.  I purchased the Vault for my new summer home.  For me, the choice was simplicity.  I don’t own a computer nor have the space or any other need for one.  The Vault offered a compact user friendly solution to play all my CD’s plus the ability to stream Tidal.  That level of space and convenience was worth the money to me.
If you already have the resources to rip your CD’s and are comfortable doing so, then by all means just buy the Node.
 I have not compared the Vault 2 and the Node 2i in the same system so I can’t offer an assessment as to the difference in sound quality.  The Vault is in an approximately 7K system and I have no complaints with sound quality or operation.
The Node 2i is setup in my main winter home system 50K+ and it sounds surprisingly very good.  Compared to my CD playback, Sony Es deck as a transport via Chord Hugo dac, the Node holds it’s own.  The Node is slightly less detailed and energetic but has deeper bass and a more relaxed presentation.  Depth is excellent along with a wall to wall soundstage.  Imaging is also very precise.  I’m a stickler for hearing the precise overtones and decay of piano notes.  I can’t stand the hollowness of decay that some dacs produce such as my Oppo 105D.  The Node 2i is very good in this respect, not quite matching the Hugo but reasonably close.
 I have not experienced any connectivity issues with the Node.  Wireless operation is flawless and I find the BluOS app superb.
 I have the Node plugged in to my Shunyata Hydra with the stock cord and see no reason to try a wall outlet.  So there may be some advantage there in my results.
 I can’t imagine anyone not being pleased with the sound.  I detect no glaring faults.  Some sins of omission as they say.  Can you do better?  Most likely but I’m satisfied for now.
BTW, since I found the Node so good, I also purchased the new Pulse Flex 2i powered speaker so I can listen to my sports radio and have some background music playing without having all my tubed components powered on all the time.  It is a great little component as well.  I’m a happy Bluesound owner.

Here’s my thoughts to try: 1st disconnect all cables other than power and attempt reboot.  2nd see if you can download the update again.  
I have the update installed and no problems.
Hopefully you’ll get lucky.