Advise needed regarding N801s - 4 or 8 ohms?

I could use some technical advise. Is there an advantage driving my N801s with my McIntosh MC402 using 8 0r 4 ohms? The nominal impedance of the 801s is 8(minimum 3 ohms). The MC402 outputs 400 watts at 2, 4 or 8 ohms loads. Many Thanks for your help, Bill
Look up and call (317)255-4434 and ask Graham. He sells both B&W and Mac.
If you don't push your amp near its limits, going with the any setting should be fine. Setting the amp for lower impedance usually can't hurt anyting except distortion levels. If you work the amp/speakers hard, then the speakers will be pushing lower impedances and may sound better set at 2 or 4 ohms. Just make sure that the amp is OFF before changing your settings.