Aftermarket Fuses

Can I set the ground rules up front?? I hope so. There are two camps. One who can hear different audible reproduction using aftermarket fuses. The second camp can not justify in theory, or can not hear a difference in fuses. Fine. I respect both camps. Can we hold this discussion to those who can hear an audible difference in fuses?? Can we? If so, what is your choice in aftermarket fuses and describe, please, what you hear.

Showing 3 responses by clearthink

wolf_garcia"to profit from "magic tweaks" you really need to engage a cadre of enthusiastic sales people armed with hyperbole to push a product that is immune to objective criticism ("I don't know HOW it works, but it transforms your system and has a 30 day return policy"), and banter about it ad nauseam in a discussion forum to lure otherwise naive, gullible,  or insecure audio fans. That's how you do it."

There is an honest way you could achieve incredible fame and fortune based on your beliefs this is especially true if you live in the US! Just get a lawyer and sue you can do this under your countries' RICO statute which I understand is used for just this sort of organized crime and you could also apply and almost certainly be granted Class Action status which would then allow you to collect a share from those many audiophiles who you think have been "fleeced" as you Americans like to say and you would be wealthy beyond you're wildest dreams for the rest of your life! There is no downside for you and there is no risk because in America you can get lawyer's on "contingency" because they will also share in the profits once you expose this hideous, vile and predatory practice on audiophiles and since you are so sure of yourself and you're believes it should be easy and I have offered this opportunity previously to several users and am simply confused that none have followed this path yet they continue to post hear regularly about this gross miscarriage of justice that they call this matter!
shadorne"Just a smidgen of ethics would hold most people back from actively promoting and helping others make money off of a scam."

How can you devote such frequent, focussed and relentless energy objecting to these alleged "scams" and racketeers as audiophiles are supposedly fleeced by the thousands yet not take decisive action to end this claimed horrific violation of the most basic consumer laws? Why don't you get yourself a competent attorney who will accept your complaint and action on a contingency basis and sue these fraudsters for once and for all and drive a nail in the coffin of snakeoil! You almost certainly can be granted Class Action status which would yield you upon victory riches that are probably beyond your wildest imagination and if you are already wealthy imagine how you could help others with this newfound pot of wealth! There is no downside for you, no risk and no chance of loss and since you are so sure of yourself and you're closely held convictions it should be easy.  You continue to post hear regularly about this gross miscarriage of justice that you call this matter so why not take positive, decisive, formal action rather than continue to just object, complain and accuse?

Is it because you know that the snakeoil that you allege is not snakeoil at all and that you have no proof against it because that it was it appears to be.
wolf_garcia Consider this: others objecting to what you call the hard sell of what you insist is nonsensical and inexplicable pseudo tweaks is tough on people like you who believe the industry suffers hyperbole fueled sales scams and fraudulent claims. I get that, and my sympathies go out to those who insist on telling others how they should hear things, because those fragile butterflies remain frightened of criticism by those who’ve actually had positive experiences with tweaks that allow them to hear new things. Regarding oregonpapa’s "10,000 to 1" comment, I understand you claim it’s a fact that MOST rational hifi geeks are too smart to explore the tweak world, and the ratio of those who insist their stock fuses work as well as what they imagine are premium "magic" junk (including the vast majority of brilliant audio component designers) is likely 1,000,000 to 1, so I'm not sure why you are so upset over what you call "junk." Clearly you need the attention.