Albertporter,Tireguy, Sean, MikeLavigne, Ozzy ??

This are the Agoners That I enjoy reading their post, Sean come back I miss those long post, Tireguy make me laugh many times, good Agoners, Mike is full of knowledge and humility Even though his system is one of the best, Albert is always a gentlemen as well, Ozzy very informative as well. I learn a lot from their post.Agoners is there a members here that you guys like to read their post and admire?


Showing 5 responses by almarg

Great to see you here again, Grant!  Hope all is going well for you and your wife.

BTW, some time ago I saw some posts you had made in an automobile-related forum.  As an owner of a very similar vehicle, I like your taste in cars :-)

-- Al 
Hi Grant,

I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that I never submitted a post there; I just used that forum for research purposes before buying the car. And I was registered there under a different screen-name.

In any event, I hope the car has been treating you as well as mine has been treating me. Mine has been perfection, for four years now! Although it doesn't have all that many miles on it, in part because my wife and I are retired and don't do any commuting, and in part because its high performance tires make it unsuitable for use here during much of the winter.

-- Al 
Boss302, it's a 2014 Porsche Cayman S.  I also have a 2017 Porsche Macan S SUV, which is also wonderful.

-- Al
Hi David,

As the saying goes, great minds think alike 😊

Best regards,
-- Al 
Boss302, thank you kindly for the nice words.

On another note, I'd like to add one more name to the list of those who are missed here.  That would be Bryoncunningham.  During the several years he was here, which ended about five years ago, he stimulated and contributed to discussions that IMO were uncommonly thoughtful, intelligent, and enjoyable.

Best regards,
-- Al