Album of the year

I know we still have 2 months left, but Im going to go ahead with mine: The Muse by The Wood Brothers. Produced by Buddy Miller. Just a superb disc from start to finish. If your not familiar with these guys you're missing out. Chris Wood is the Wood in Medeski Martin & Wood, and brother Oliver the frontman from the late ,great, King Johnson. Rootsy, bluesy,rockin', gospeley, with harmonies to die for,exceptional muscianship,and evocative lyrics. Well recorded too. They put on an awesome live show to boot.
David Bowie ... The Next Day ... Hands down the best Rock album this year ... And I'm not a Bowie fanboy and listening mostly to classical and jazz the best recordings for me fall easily ito the classical realm.
But this record is something else; the way Bowie has structured the music with differnent layers and incorporating noise - brilliant. Sirius radio is currently running a 24/7 Bowie channel with frequent promos about his ongoing influence. One goes something like this: "Bowie - he's 1/3 glamour, 1/3 charm, 1/3 talent and 1/3 intelligence. " Gotta love it. He really is an alien.
Jafant, Would you mind listing your favorites?

Winoguy, Love the Wood Brothers "The Muse".

One of the best records I have heard this year is Snarky Puppy's "Family Dinner".
I am a very big fan!! I have seen them twice. I was going to drive 600 miles round trip to see them, but the show was cancelled due to a large snow storm. I have seem them twice in Pittsburgh though.
I have not really listened to the new one yet. I would consider their first three albums nearly flawless. Have they actually surpassed their first three efforts?
My album of the year is Jim James last release, called Regions of Light and Sound Of God.
He is the lead singer of My Morning Jacket. I love this record!!!
MoFi I used to go to the Paramount as a kid back in the late 1950's. What a theater...great venue....
Sounds_real...I also saw Boz Scaggs once at the Paramount (2012) and just this last summer at Hudson Gardens. Both shows were awesome!
He occasionally plays within MMW on upright, but SO GREAT as no one else IMHO!
Have to check this album THANKS!
I keep going to the David Byrne/St. Vincent album "Love This Giant"; but the Tedeschi Trucks Band's "Made Up Mind" gets a lot of play also.
I am not sure if this would classify as a reissue or not, but my vote goes for:

Bob Dylan
Another Self Portrait
The Bootleg Series Vol 10.

Oh man......Boz Scaggs...I have seen him twice in Denver at the Paramont Theater....What a talent..great concert. His new work is really good. Strong recommendation. ..........only if you enjoy music.....
Richard Bennett...Last Train from Poor Valley
Tim O'Brien and Darrell Scott...We're Usually a Lot Better Than This
Tie for me: The Deep Dark Woods "Jubilee" and How to Destroy Angels "Welcome to Oblivion".