Amp Comparison procedure. Amp off when not in use?

We will be conducting an amp comparison this weekend between two solid state amps. Couple basic questions:

Would it be OK if we leave the amp on when we don't have any input/output connected to it to keep it warm? If so,

What is the best way to unplug? Remove speaker cables first, then remove input cables?

What is the best way to connect? Input cables first, then speaker cables?

Or would it be safer to turn off the amp completely when it is not connected to speakers?


Showing 2 responses by almarg

I don't see any problem with leaving a totally disconnected solid state amp powered up. But connecting or disconnecting either its inputs or outputs while power is on strikes me as an invitation to disaster, especially if the inputs are unbalanced rca's (which make the ground connection after the "hot" connection during insertion, and break the ground connection first during removal, thereby potentially injecting a huge transient into the amp's signal path).

I would strongly recommend that before changing any connections you power down both the amp and the component driving it, and then wait a minute or two for the amp's power supply capacitors to discharge. The couple of minutes that will take should allow the subsequent warmup to be brief.

-- Al
Hi Frank,

Yes, I would think that would be ok, given that the preamp will not be putting out a signal (due to the muting), and given that the interface is via xlr's (which are designed to make the ground (pin 1) connection first, and break it last).

-- Al