Amps for Vandersteen 3a Sigs

My cousin is considering upgrading his 2CE-sigs to 3a-sigs... both would be used with a pair of 2WQ subs. Right now he is driving the 2CE's with a McCormack DNA 0.5 Rev A amplifier.  We are hoping this amp will be a good match for the 3a's, but are concerned it may not be enough power.  Given that the subs are relieving the amp of the bass frequencies, perhaps it is enough power. 

Thoughts on that combo?

Beyond that, looking into the future, what amps are highly recommended with the 3a-sigs?  I'm guessing that my cousin would rather work with solid state amps.

Thanks, Peter

Showing 1 response by gdnrbob

++1 for Ayre
I too, use upgrded DNA-1, but Steve made them monoblocks for me.

If you want tubes, then Atma-Sphere.