Analog Tuner Existence.....

Hi Everyone,

Have any of you heard whether or not analog FM broadcasting will still be around or not for a few years? I want to buy a fairly good tuner for listening to my public radio station, but heard rumor FM broadcast days might be numbered by digital's taking over. Any of you know or heard? Thanks! -Brian.

Showing 1 response by samujohn

There are so many excellent tuners out there for $200-$400, why buy a collectors piece and worry? I have had an MR-71, a full Audio Classics mod MR-77, a Fanfare 1A, etc. over the years. I now have a Marantz 7001, and a Sherwood 3000 lll, with less than $400 in both.
The Sherwood seems the sonic equal of my MR-71. The Marantz is not the equal of the solid sate Macs in sonics, but it beats the pants off them in quieting on distant stations. I now hear my favorite college station with a dead quiet background, whereas with the Macs it was always subject to noise and cut out.
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