Animated Movies

I'm putting together a small collection of animated movies. I'm looking for ones that have amazing audio and video qualities. I have Ice Age and Monsters Inc. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
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Showing 2 responses by jax2

My all-time favorite is a live-animation feature which may be really a matter of taste as it is perhaps a more artistic approach than anything mentioned above. I would not highlight it as having amazing audio or video qualities, but it most certainly is visually amazing. "Alice" by Czech filmmaker, Jan Svankmajer. There are a few clips on YouTube you can watch to see if it may float your boat. Here's 6 minutes that includes a link where you can order the film if you like what you see. There will be further links to other clips from the film on that page as well.

If you want to stick with Hollywood, you could add Toy Story, Ratatouille,Wall-E,Ice Age...hell, you pretty much can't go wrong with Pixar and Dreamworks if you like that realm of animation.

PS Of the above, a hearty second to Triplets of Belville
Jaybo - good call. I remember seeing Fantastic Planet when it first came out. My recomendation was neither computer nor rotoscope, BTW. Another great one is any of the Wallace & Grommet films. Also, anything by The Brothers Quay.