AntiCables v. Morrow?

Looking to buy 1st cable upgrade from #10 wire. For Ohm Walsh 100-S3s and Spendor S3/5s running off ATI 1502 Power amp with CJ PV 6 tube preamp and Cambridge 740C. Listen to lots of jazz, female vocals, blues, acoustic music. I found the preamp softened and warmed up my sound taking off what I thought was some edge but as an older amp some detail too. Trying to decide on what kinds of speaker cable to move towards. Cant afford to go truly esoteric...$200 -300 max. Can people give me a sense of the relative benefis or tradeoffs between the two companies and the types of cable they sell?

Showing 3 responses by telescope_trade

Have to agree 100% with Hiendmuse, as I went from Anti Cables
to Morrow SP3's & MAP 3 XLR's. Outstanding cables. I am
thinking of trading up the the SP4's on his trade up

Thanks, I will check with him tomorrow. Yea, I will
let him burn them in as I don't want to go through that
again! It would probably drive me nuts with my new speakers.

Keep us posted. I don't want to spend extra on the speaker cables if the SP3's are sort of a "sweet spot" in the line.