Any comments on Synergistic Research Atmosphere

I had 2 pairs of Synergistic Research new Atmosphere level 2 interconnects in my home last week. These cable are not actively powered, but has a lead that has to grounded to system A/C ground. They are $995 per pair and at this price I gave them a 5 star rating in my report to the cable company who loaned them to me.
My system consist of Sony 5400ES SACD player; McCormack LD2
preamp, Odyssey Khartago power amp, REL B2 subwoofer, Vienna
acoustics Hadyn Grand stand mounts. Vibration control by Symposium Acoustics and room treatment by Real traps.

Showing 4 responses by ozzy

Pretty soon the the Mark 2 version will be released that will be even better!
I have replaced all of my Synergistic cabling for Hi-Diamond. Much better sound quality and less extra cabling.

David, I am interested in the SR grounding bock. I only have one SR product that can use the SR cables that come with it.

Does the block have some special input that would require only SR cables to be used?

David, Thanks, I value your judgment. I will see if I can get one to try.