Any high WAF speaker with ATC sound?

Hi everyone!

I bought my very first place, and need an upgrade, but there is a lack of dealers in MD.

Before I get started, I love the SCM20 sound, and I actually dont mind the way it looks. But I know for a fact it would not be able to fill up a large space. Therefore looking for a larger speaker. I was thinking of the SCM100, but they do not mate well to my modern furniture.

Now, I don't have a wife (thank God, I am only 25), but the place will be my personal bachelor pad, and i want it to look modern and clean. The living room is about 18x27. Speakers will be on the short wall. Budge is under 6K, I can stretch it a bit, but rather not. The lower the price the better, and used of course! Inefficient speakers are welcome!


Showing 3 responses by metman

Although the S&K Nano monitors won't peel the paint off your walls Tim does mention that they are more than suitable for any room under 34x20 and I currently have a pair on order. I guess it all comes down to how hard you want to "rock the joint". Are yours done breaking in yet Chris?
I actually went ahead and ordered a pair of the Nano monitors based on conversations I had with Rodge and and another owner who all happen to live in N.J. incidentally And after speaking with Tim, who like Rodge states is a real straight shooter I felt confident enough to order a pair without listening and Tim gave me a great deal on the prototypes. Even if you only order the speakers without the woofer monitor, Tim will stil give you the package deal price at a later time. Rodge, my wife sounds just like yours, if I get any unsolicited coments like you did then I know I hit paydirt!
Just a FYI In case anyone is trying to reach SK their mail server is unavailable. I spoke with Tim earlier and their building suffered a lightning strike wreaking havoc with their servers,so if for any reason you're trying to reach them do so by phone