Any one try the new Synergistic Research BLUE UEF Duplex receptacle?

Looking for comparsons to other high quality outlets.
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Showing 1 response by ihmeyers

I purchased and installed a Synergistic Blue outlet to replace my Oyaide - XXX. The Blue immediately seemed quieter to me (less grain) but right out of the box it’s compressed dynamically and in terms of soundstage. Everything does sound pretty ’organic’ though (I hate that description but that’s all I can come up with).  I’m sure it will get better with break-in time.

What’s the best way to break it in? I have my equipment plugged into a PowerCell 10 UEF which is plugged into the Blue outlet. I hope I don’t need to keep the system running for 14 days to break it in.  Maybe the PowerCell will draw enough to break-in the outlet.  Maybe not...

As far as the cost, yeah it’s not cheap within the context of outlets but in the world of high-end audio it’s not bad. I know people that have $10k amp & preamp and $20k speakers that refuse to pay $150 for an outlet or a fuse. That’s just foolish to me but to each his/her own.