Anybody Using Room Correction? How goes it?

I'm curious if anyone on this site is using room acoustic correction treatment of any kind to help improve their listening experience. What has your experience been? Have you found something that actually helps?


I use the DEQX HDP4. With it (and room treatments) I am able to use full-range speakers and dual subs in a small room with great results. I could get the frequency response to be ruler-flat from 25 Hz to infinity if I wanted, with the DEXQ. Another advantage is that I can tailor the bass output to individual types of recordings or styles of music.
Tried shakti hollographs, did not like the effect and returned them.

Then I tried 16x48 " ASC tube traps in all four corners.

Huge difference in bass as well as mid and high range imaging.

No more one note bass!