Anyone been to United Home Audio?

Has anyone been to the United Home Audio showroom in Maryland?
What was your experience?
One of my better retail experiences, too. No pressure, honest answers to my questions, and didn't treat me like a "tire-kicker". I ended up buying my Gershman X-1/SW-1's from them. At the time, they only had a mismatched set, but they loaned them to me until the matching set was delivered from Gershman, leaving them without a demo pair.
The next time I need an upgrade, I'll see them first. They've earned my business.
Yes, like Pops and Aball, my experience was very good. I bought some MBL amps from them. They leave you alone to listen, but answer any questions you may have. Certainly worth a visit.
We had a great time there. We went for about 3 hours to listen to MBL gear. They left us alone in the room to listen for as long as we wanted. They showed us their other gear too and were friendly overall. They are not big talkers, which can be good or bad depending on what kind of shopper you are. They have lots of equipment (or at least did when I was there) and a wide variety as well. It is definitely worth the visit IMO and if I decide to get the new Audio Aero cd player, I will probably get it from them.
