Anyone compared BAT Rex vs. Atmasphere MP-1?

Obviously, there is a big price difference between the two(not as big used). But, these two are likely to be in the top of the true balanced, fully differential, reference preamps available.

I'm mostly interested in the sonic differences anyone would have noticed switching between the two in their own system.
This is a very abbreviated version of my experience with the above preamps:
Supratek: dynamic, fairly resolving and involving, but is not completely neutral- it did have very annoying (to me) mid range glare on certain recordings. After many debates I suspect, that it suffered from some kind of chassis generated resonance (it does have fairly thin metal bottom plate), and some members reported improvement of the glare with the use of the wooden part of the chassis for support.
Nagra: very refined, involving and musical. It does have slightly different (forward) soundstage perspective, but is not bright.
Doshi: neutral and well balanced, but left me with an impression of lacking dynamic impact, compared to Supratek and Nagra, and especially to REX.
REX: It does NOT have any flaws IMHO- extremely dynamic, beautiful tone, very balanced (no pun intended), mid range is absolutely to die for, resolution in spades, bass, you name it- it does it all. Overall, it's a different class of music reproduction, compared to others.
I lied, it does have a few flaws- it is line stage only, hence an additional expense of the separate phono,
it runs pretty warm,
and it costs $22k now.
I still feel, one day I might have it in my system again, it was that addictive.
09-01-10: Maril555
REX...I still feel, one day I might have it in my system again, it was that addictive.
Oh my, that just feeds into my obsession.
Just to add my 2cents for this duscussion..

I'm a happy owner of BAT 52SE (a "little brother" of REX). I would also describe this "house sound" as breathing transients, superb textures and very resolving. Nothing compared with usual "tube coloration" as probably one likes. Just pure music window... It's so amazing clean in my system even with relatively cheap Proak D15 speakers.

Never read an average review for REX - it is outstanding always.
Maybe Victor's business partner can provide a view on the MP-1. This thread seems to be heavily biased towards the BAT...
"Maybe Victor's business partner can provide a view on the MP-1. This thread seems to be heavily biased towards the BAT..."

Hello Rob,

Besides BAT making some of (IMO) best sounding components your money can buy they also set the example of class and professionalism. I've never once seen Victor or the other principals of BAT use a public forum for self promotion.

If Victor responds to a thread about BAT equipment it is always factual and technical, and its intent is meant to be truly helpful. No subjective opinion on he feels his components sound, especially compared to his competitors.

My apologies if this too far off from the original subject matter.
