Anyone compared McIntosh mc252 and mc352?

Hello all
Wondering if anyone has been able to compare these two amps in the same system. I definately don't need more than 250W but since the 352 is in the same price range, I would be interested in hearing comparisons on the two. Thanks! Arthur
Arthur, I understand - good luck with school, when it's over you can buy whatever you want!
yeah well, the 501s are not in the same price range! I am on a graduate student budget! lol.
Arthur, hold out for the 501's - I never dreamed my Thiel 3.6's were capable of the music they are kicking out!
Yes, I now about the topology differences. I was more interested in hearing about sound comparisons. Thanks for the replies. Arthur
The 352 has Quad-Differential Technology, meaning its truly balanced, The 252 is not.
what speakers are you trying to drive? if they are floor standers, they will probably benefit from the larger of the two (i'm not a flea power SET fan). My MC352 runs out of steam before my Aerial 10T's run out of dynamic range (granted at high SPL's). The 10T's would be cleaner, smoother, and have more definition on the way up with some MC501's.