Anyone know anything about Canton Ergo 100's?

A matched pair of Canton Ergo 100 recently found there way to me. I can't seem to find anything out about them. Is anyone familiar with these? Things I'm interested in are the year they were made/discontinued and approximate price when purchased. They are about 4 feet tall, have what looks to be a walnut finish, have a heave steel wire grill, have 2 10 inch and a 6 inch woofers and weigh approx 80-100 lbs a piece.
The specs are are follows:
4...8 OHM Impedence
180 watt Din Power handling
300 watt music power nhandling
18..30000 Hrz frequency range

I currently have a B+K 507, and a Denon DVD 9000, and am in the market for 2 side, 2 rear and a center channel speaker to round out the 7.1. Im looking at the Dali Grands as a possible front replacement for the Cantons, and 2 pairs of Jaton Laras for the sides and rear speakers (or the Gershman Cameleons)as well as a Gershman CC-X Center Channel speaker.

Would anyone care to share their thoughts on both the Cantons I own, and whether you think they would intergrate well with the other speakers above, or if they should be replaced.

Canton should be able to help you with the details regarding these speakers.
They are in Minnesota and quite friendly usually.I can't remember exactly where these fit in the line as Canton always has an amazing array of models at any time.
The best match for these should be other Cantons really. Atleast this would be the most simple way to get good intergration,whith speakers with identical drivers.
I have 3 Karat 60's that match for the front speakers and they have the same drivers as your Ergo just fewer of them.
I would listen to your speakers a while before moving on,I have always liked the Canton sound.
The closest speaker to them I think would be ADS.It turns out the founders of both ADS and Canton came from the german company Braun in the 70's and I have found the lines to be a lot alike.
Good Luck
If I remember correctly these were made in the mid 1980s. I'm fairly sure the Ergo 100 is the model I heard. Overall a fairly balanced and dynamic sound, but a little bright. I haven't heard the other speakers you mention but, if I had to guess, I'd say Dynaudio might be a good match to the Cantons.