Anyone know where in NY area I can audition Usher?

I have tried contacting Usher but haven't heard back yet. Anyone know where in the NYC area I can audition Usher 6381 or 6371 models?

Greeting from

We are the New York/North Jersey Usher dealer. We are five mins. away from New York City, in nearby Jersey City NJ!

We specialize in Usher and have most of their complete line. We also carry: Nuforce, Modwright, Butler, Escalante Designs, Dehavilland, Reimyo, Acoustic Zen, Synergistic, Black Diamond, Richard Gray, Cayin, Consonance, Primare, Nad, Elac, Dali, Cary Audio,Dk Designs, Antique Sound Labs, and many more. We are authorized dealers and offer superior service and support. We have two beautiful sound rooms and are completly private. We work to accomodate you, name the time and day and we will make it happen!

Our website is due to go up shortly. You can see our teaser page at you can also call our toll free number 877-428-2873 hit one for sales. Thank you.
I've heard Usher several times at shows and been very impressed with sound and build quality. They seemed at least a fair value in high end terms and perhaps a great value (it's hard to tell at shows).

My biggest concern has to do with resale value. As an active hobbiest I like to trade gear around every year or so and the Usher line is mostly designated with four digit numbers instead of names. There are many different models, that I'm not sure more than one or two of then will achieve the long term recognition necessary to sustain demand in used market.

If they would slow down, focus on a few great models and market them properly, they might be hard to beat.

I don't know how well they are treating their staff in China. I'd like to see a report from someone credible who visited their plants.

That's more like 4 hours and 15 minutes, with no traffic. I think that is not an option for me. It would be cheaper with my time to buy them and if I don't like them to sell them immediately.
Hello everyone,
First things first. Th eonly reason you are not receiving return messages from the US distributor is because they are currently over at the Usher factory in Taiwan. They should be back Tuesday.

"..Usher is a chaply made in china product china is no way at t...."

This could not be further from the truth. Usher has one of the most respectable business ethics in the "overseas" industry. Their parts are very consistant and their distribution could not be better in my opinion.

They are not "cheap" speakers just because they cost less than US made equivalents. Usher products are extremely good values. Forget the magazine reviews that you may think are biased, just listen to the consumers that own them.
If you're willing to take a 3 hour drive, check out Response Audio in Binghamton...
Ok, at this point Mapleleaf you are losing credibility in my view. I am open to hearing criticisms of the speaker, especially before I buy them. But so far your argument is flawed, it begs the question. You are saying essentially "Usher is bad because its Chinese, and Chinese speakers are bad because they are all cheap and that's that"...

You're not providing any substantive criticism.
Usher is a chaply made in china product China is no way at the head of technology. They are sweat shop chap parts capitiol of the world
Well so far I still cannot find anyone in the NY/CT area that can audition these for me. The one guy suggested above won't be getting any new ones in until May.
Does anyone know if the wood panel on the side comes in a shade other than birch? I need something darker like Walnut, to match my furniture and decor.
This article highlights the quality that goes into Usher speakers. I'm not shilling for them but I'm actually considering Usher speakers for myself and have been doing some research on them...
For what it's worth...I owned the Dancer AC-10's for about 6 mos. before I went back to an electrostatic and can tell you first hand they were anything BUT cheaply made. They used the same Accuton (sorry if mis-spelled) ceramic drivers as those used in much more expensive Talon's, Avalon's, etc.

Cabinets were the finest I have ever had the pleasure of owning, premium parts in the x-over, details even right down to the solid brass gold-plated 5-way binding posts.

And yes, even though I sold them due to a personal dipole preference, they were GREAT sounding speakers.

They were the closest to an electrostat (in terms of midrange purity and overall coherence) that I've heard from a dynamic speaker.
With China at the cutting edge of technology, I think it's outdated to refer to so-called cheap parts from China. Plus, doesn't Usher supply drivers to Von Schweikert,which, if so, points to the quality of their drivers. I just think it's putting your head in the sand to not acknowledge that quality products, including audio products, can be made in China.
Well unfortunately I haven't heard back yet. However, it's only been 24 hours, and in this modern age I think I'm a bit impatient, also worsened by how long its taken me to find someone who has these locally..

I hope to hear from him soon.
Anthony is usually very good at returning calls and/or e-mails. You have probably already heard from him, but if not, I trust it will be soon.

I contacted Perrotta and they have not gotten back yet. Maybe I'm impatient but I want to hear these things soon, I am ready to buy. If I like them I will buy them. Connecticutt is fine too, any other dealers?

You feel that these speakers are not as good as everyone is saying? They seem to have gotten consistently positive feedback by a number of reputable review sources.

Can you provide more articulate and constructive feedback about these speakers? Have you actually heard them?

I'd like to hear all good and bad about these speakers, but your comment doesn't provide much reasoning behind it.
My question is why. They are cheaply made with chinese parts and overhyped. Sweat shop product being sold as High End, what a shame.