Anyone solved MF Tri Vista SACD problems?

I am starting this thread for my friend who bought this Musical Fidelity Tri Vista SACD player as used two years ago. Now the transport mechanism and also the servo board (we think) are broken. Does anyone know if there still is some company who can repair these players or modify them with new parts (transport+servo board). It seems to us that Musical Fidelity has moved forward and abandoned its old Tri-Vista customers. No help from their side at all. All info/help is appreciated.

Showing 1 response by georgehifi

MF has had QC issues in the past. It is a shame that this company could not build a better SACD spinner.
It had nothing to do with MF, the problem was as Alex ( aplhifi ) explained above in the Philips FURORE chipset, and it wasn’t just with MF, but with Krell and Philips and a few others that use this chipset.
The chip had a self decay that started from the first time it was switched on and was doomed to fail, and Philips wiped their hands of any come backs. (good on ya Philips)
So do not go near any SACD players from that era, as they may have this chip.

Cheers George