Anyone tried EH6550 tubes in a SF Power 2 amp?

A local company has good prices on cryo treated EH6550s and I have been wanting to try some to compare the sound to my KT88s (JJ Teslas)
I got my cryoset KT88EH matched octet today. I won't be able to try them out until mid-January, because I'll be out of town. I've heard a lot a good things about the Electro-Harmonix tubes, so I'm looking forward to the swap out.
Not yet, I too have JJ KT88's and since they are running so nice I haven't gotten off my lazy and ordered the 6550s. I'll post when I do
Did you end up putting the Cryo KT88EH's in your Power 2? How did you like them?

I also own a Power 2, and currently use JJ KT88's.

I have not tried those tubes in that amp but in a Consonance. The KT88's give a fuller sound with a midbass emphasis. The EH 6550's (non cryoed) are more evenly balanced with more detail on the top end.