Anyone try KT150 in Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP

I love my HP. I've had it over a year and have rolled KT120 into it from the EL34. I like both sets. But the EL is more "liquid". The sound is awesome. With the KT120s I like the added power and punch. But it can be a bit fatiguing. It's the midrange glare that I notice most. So I wonder if anyone has rolled KT 150s into it. Does it keep most of the niceness of the EL 34s?  Do the 150s have less of that midrange glare?  

What at are your thoughts if you've tried this?  Maybe Kevin Deal has an opinion?  

Showing 2 responses by samzx12

I’m pretty sure the HP can use the KT150. Ask Upscale Audio as they are the importer. It is a very nice tube as I have some with my Premium (non-HP). Mine aren’t quite broken in but they have a nice midrange, good extension and great bass punch. From my understanding and I am not sure what speaker you have and their characteristics but a slightly warm IC would work very well with the 150’s.

I didn't care for the KT120 with my PL Premium and agree they had a nasty midrange glare and I couldn’t get rid of it no matter what driver or gain tube I used. Otherwise not a bad tube as other manufacturers have used them successfully.

I think you will find the KT150's midrange will sound much better than the KT120. As far as bass the KT120 didn't have bad bass at all but like you are experiencing it had an annoying harshness I could never tame.