Anyone try purple and orange with green CD edge?

I hate to judge before all the facts are in, but while the color green on the outer edge of the CD can be quite effective, the additional colors purple and ornage bring quite a lot of focus and soundstage to the table. one inch stripes orange on opposite sides of the CD, North and South, one inch stripes purple (violet) East and West. fill reamining portion of edge with bright green. For this task use transparent permanent ink pens like, say, Sharpie. the Brush version of Shaprie pens work very well for this project, the Fine Tip pens will work too.

Showing 2 responses by elizabeth

I originally found my CDs sounded slightly less harsh (less high frequency gruunge) when painted with a common green paint Uni Posca paint pen.
I used those for a few years, then graduated to common green Sharpie pens. Then to black Sharpie pens.
ALL my CD and DVD outer edge are covered with one of the three.
I have never noted any difference between the three types.

As for multi colors I will pass. i am certain some folks find different colors affect the sound. I am not intereted in finding out.
I would not waste a nickel to see if a purple or orange affects the sound.

And NO I am not even slightly curious to try it.
If someone PAID me $25,000. to try out purple and orange color on CD edges YES I would be a teeny weeny bit interested.