Anyone try purple and orange with green CD edge?

I hate to judge before all the facts are in, but while the color green on the outer edge of the CD can be quite effective, the additional colors purple and ornage bring quite a lot of focus and soundstage to the table. one inch stripes orange on opposite sides of the CD, North and South, one inch stripes purple (violet) East and West. fill reamining portion of edge with bright green. For this task use transparent permanent ink pens like, say, Sharpie. the Brush version of Shaprie pens work very well for this project, the Fine Tip pens will work too.

Showing 1 response by jond

Swanny why would this not make sense? A cd player uses laser light and light is either refracted or absorbed by various colors so it's not a stretch to think color treatments might have an effect. Not going to bother trying it myself but I don't doubt there might be an effect.