Anyone use a cartridge demagnetizer?

Years ago these devices seemed to be popular with owners of MC cartridges. I owned one when I bought my first MC cartridge (an Adcom cross-coil), and I eventually sold it when I moved back to MM's for a number of years. I eventually returned to MC cartridges, but never bothered with a new demagnetizer. Any MC cartridge users use a demagnetizer these days? Have any MC cartridge manufacturers ever actually recommended a demagnetizer? 

Showing 1 response by tarheelneil

what would cause a cartridge to require demagnitizing?  As far as I figure, nothing.  Any voltage going through it are AC voltages.  And the levels are so low, they probably couldn’t in any way affect magnets, or ferrous materials, and if they were strong enough, they would be demagnitizing, not magnitizing, as AC is what is used it demagnitizing devices.