Anyone use a subwoofer system with YG Carmel

Anyone have success using a subwoofer with YG Carmel speakers? I am thinking a subwoofer if integrated correctly might add some volume and weight to the lower bass frequecny. Don't get me wrong the bass of the carmel is really good just that on some music material it would be better  to have a little more volume and weight at the lower bass frequencies.

I used a pair of REL Stadium subs but kept them set low just to add the lowest base as I had full range speakers. I did not use them with crossovers to keep the main signal intact. Many set them too high and too loud. They should be felt and not heard. 

Yes I use two JL audin Evo 10s I X thrm over higher around 70hz and blended nicely . Articulate and fast. 
I don't understand why so many hate subwoofers.  Since bass is largely a room pressurization/depressurization effect, few speakers can compete with a subwoofer in this regard.  I have a JL Audio F113 subwoofer, and yes, it did take a little work to get it to blend in seamlessly with my single-driver speakers, but music doesn't have the same impact without it.  I cannot imagine music without it.  Well, yeah, a lot of music doesn't have low bass but I can hear some spatial cues that go missing when I turn the sub off.
@rlawry because integration with the room is more difficult as you go down in frequency, so many buy them expecting them to be plug and play.  the subs never get integrated correctly and the consumer blames the sub.
What I have found is that the lower the crossover point, the better the integration between the sub and satellite speakers.  This probably makes sense since the lower the frequency, the more the frequency takes on a 4 pi wavefront and the more difficult it is for your ears to locate the position of the sub.  I have seen demonstrations at audio shows that indicate the effect.  I once saw one that used an Eminent Technology rotary woofer that uses blades to chop the air into frequency waves similarly to a helicopter blade, which can go down essentially to 0 Hz, i.e. DC.  I have also heard systems that attempt to cross the sub and speakers at a point over 100 Hz and it was pretty easy to hear the sub banging away in a corner.