Appropriate Power for 1.7i's

I am sure this is the type of question that gets asked a lot, so I beg your indulgence for one more:

I have recently upgraded my speakers to a pair of Magnepan 1.7i's.  I am enjoying these speakers even though I know they are not receiving an optimal signal.  My goal is to provide a better signal.
My primary source is TIDAL HiFi, and here is my current setup

Power:  Yamaha HTR-5450 (only front channels used).  Ostensibly 85 w/channel --- I am aware that the specs for home theater receivers tend to be -ah optimistic.

DAC:  ifi nano iDSD (burr-brown)

Digital signal provided by PC

My budget for upgrading the Yamaha is modest:  $700-$900

Here is my want list:

100+ w/channel Stereo into 4 ohms.  ( I have no need for more channels):  Preferably Class A/B  (as opposed to D)

I am not opposed to purchasing used, in spite of the additional effort involved.

I am considering the Denon Heos and  Sonos Connect as a preamp.  I am not opposed to an integrated amp, but I like the fact that these units allow me to control my selection via a phone app (my phone is an LGv20 w/ Android 7).  Since I tend to listen to albums rather than individual songs or even playlists, the lack of this convenience is not a deal killer for me.


Showing 4 responses by raindance

You probably want 150-200 watts RMS per channel into 4 ohms.

Don't get excited by the concept someone will probably chime in with regarding tube watts being more powerful. It just isn't true. You still need the raw RMS power.

There are lots of used solid state class AB amps out there. Parasound is a safe choice.

I do not like Class D sound, but a Class D or "digital" amp might be the ticket for you. The newer Crown XLS series pro amps have great power. I did not like them on my Maggies (1.6) because they softened high freq harmonics, but who knows, they may work for you. The 1.7 is much brighter sounding and this may be a good thing.
The McCormack is a good suggestion. I'm surprised to hear about the A23 sounding flat - the cheaper HCA-1000A was a great amp for Maggies. I have the HCA1500A now and it does lean towards warm and a bit soft on top, but it controls bass very well. 

I do not like NAD with Maggies. They have this weird power limiting feature where their output doesn't increase into 4 ohms plus they just aren't in the right league.

I've also tried Wired4Sound. Didn't do it for me. Class D audio - not too bad, better than W4S.

Jolida JD1000BRC - not enough power and lacked midbass energy plus rolled off on top.

Adcom GFA5400 - Very extended top end. A bit brittle sounding and lacks some bass control.

Adcom GFA5500 - Dull, dull, dull - not even similar to the 5400.

Sonographe SA250 - Lacks dynamics and sparkle.

Odyssey Stratos - actually this is quite a good option, see if Klaus can do dual mono power supplies in it.

What do I want to try - Pass Labs. Just a tad pricey though.

The Cronus is underpowered for Maggies unless you have a small room and don't listen to dynamic music at 90dB plus. But it's a good sounding amp otherwise.

Here's the issue: current delivery. Tube amps don't cut it unless they are about 150 watts a side and use 2 pairs or more of paralleled power tubes. Sorry. I made a comment earlier about tube watts not being different from solid state.

Otherwise you're consistently listening to an amp that is distorting. It may generate nice sounding even harmonics whilst doing so...