aragon 4004 matched w/quad 99 pre amp-impedence??

have a aragon 4004 amp that i am thinking of matching with a quad 99 pre amp...quad 99 has an output impedence of 330 ohms..the aragon has a input impedence of 22000[22k]ohms...will this match with the one to ten ratio in mind...
anyone have experience with this pair matched...
the matching quad 9o9 amp has a 20k input level,so the owner and seller believe this should be okay...quad 99 also has a line stage...
any thoughts are the quad due to tone controls and remote...
but welcome other advice...
Hi. I don't have a helpful answer, but I do want to hear what others have to say, as I am very interested in this. I actually have the 99-909 Quad combo, as you say 330 into 20k. I don't have a good grip on how this works and what it means for the signal amplification etc.
At the very least, this bumps your thread up...
Are you asking if the ratio is appropriate? An output impedance of 330 ohms will drive just about anything. In addition, I recall the 4004 to be fairly sensative as well- I had a 2004mkii that I drove with tubes and even a passive.

As for the Quad 99- I currently use one and think it is the best preamp I have ever owned. The phono stage borders exceptional, it is 100% operational from the remote and has a ton of cool options- input sensativity, tilt, etc. The volume/balance controls are also very high performance.

It is also extremely transparent and refined. It has been a "off the merry-go-round" kind of unit for me and I played with some fairly heavy hitters before settling on it.

My only gripes are no xlr ins/outs (unless you make adapters for the ampbus), and only a single pair of rca preouts. I can deal with these as xlr outs are there if you really need them and the unit could easily drive 2 amps with y adapters off the preouts if needed.

good luck