ARC Ref 75SEs - great with Wilson or Dynaudio speakers. What about Vandersteen 2CI?

I hear that Audio Research Ref 75SEs sound great with Wilson or Dynaudio speakers.  Would this amp sound great with Vandersteen 2CIs?

Showing 1 response by audioconnection

(((FWIW-after auditioning each, I bought ProAc because AR has voiced their amps with ProAc.))))
Actually, Proac uses ARC as one of the many to voice their designs.
Vandersteen and ARC are a great match and have been paired well together for over 30 years.
Both great speakers and both play wonderful music together..
Try and experiment with the different Taps on the Ref 75 8 ohms usually works well with Vandersteens while
on certain Proacs like D48s 4 ohms works best.
Dealer for both.