Are DIY Cables Worth It?

I just read a listing in the classifieds titled "Vh audio CHeLA diy bulk speaker cable" that looked interesting. It claims to sell unterminated cable for $17.95/ft that would sound like $2000 cables when terminated.

Assuming I take the time and terminate the cables correctly, from what you see on their website is this cable worth my time? (Keep in mind that my time is not overly expensive, and I will never be able to spend more than $200 on speaker cables.)

Here is a site with more information about them:
Thank you for the recommendation on the Mapleshade cables; they look very promising.

I would like to address as assumption about price/quality ratio for this thread. For any general quality-level of speaker cable there are great prices, average prices, and premium prices. With my original question about whether DIY'ing these cables would be worth it or not, I guess I should be asking how much I would expect to pay (at an average price for the quality of speaker cable that is produced) for the finished version of these cables.

Everyone has been so helpful so far!
I guess I should be asking how much I would expect to pay (at an average price for the quality of speaker cable that is produced) for the finished version of these cables.
Nicely put! I can only answer that question regrading a particular cable -- not in absolute terms.

I use diy cables. For both ic & spkrs. My case is unusual in that diy replaces an expensive model fm a popular brand (Nordost Valhalla).

As to Chris Venhaus: he's an audiophile and much of the stuff he offers is very good (caps, for example). But, @$18/ft he's not the cheapest around; Mapleshade for one, is cheaper.

I would suggest you diy your IC for the time being.
To answer your question, as in most things audio, it depends (on your components, budget, length of runs, and other factors). IME, DIY cables can give you pretty good sonics at a fraction of the cost of comparable new cables, if you want to put the time into it. As a guide, it would be my estimation that to move up significantly better than most of the well-received DIY cables, you would have to spend at least 5 times the parts cost of the DIY cables, or more. I have not heard the CHeLA speaker cable, but I do like the VH Audio power cords, and I have even tried some variations of those cords with success. The "Asylum" power cord using typical shielded SJT-14awg (typically Volex) cable is also pretty good, and the Volex 14awg cable with molded plugs (that you can buy economically through most electronics supply companies) will do better than almost all OEM power cords. For speaker cables, I have enjoyed the sound of Jon Risch's Cross Connected Belden 89259 cables, but they require a moderate amount of patience and skill to construct properly. A less expensive (and much easier to construct) alternative might be to simply purchase Canare Star Quad 4S11, connect them in a star quad configuration and terminate them with some good spades. Others like the home depot power/extension cord speaker cables, and CAT 5 speaker cables, although I would probably go for the CC89259 or Canare first. DH Labs cable also sounds pretty good, especially the Q-10 connected in a star quad configuration, and can be had used at very reasonable rates on Audiogon. The Risch interconnects using Belden cable (see his website) are good, and Chris Venhas' VH Audio fine silver interconnect has gotten excellent ratings here. Go have some fun.
Gregm, what do you have for DIY cables that may better Nordast Valhalla?
Freemand, pls note that I use the wires and prefer them in the controlled context of MY system. So, I can't say in absolute terms that the wires "are better" than Valhalla...

As to what they are: simply paralleled silver and copper conductors @~1" apart, supported by masking tape (one side only). They are UNSHIELDED which may make the ICs unsuitable for other applications.

My recommed above was to try a tested diy recipe for ICs and perhaps buy the spkr cable ready made since it looks cheaper.