Are you Sirius?

Really should have been, "DO you Sirius?" Has anyone found a Sirius(XM) tuner, that provides quality reception/fidelity, through one’s home audio system? Metropolitan(Cleveland, Orlando, Chicago) Blues and Jazz, FM stations, used to be my way of finding new artists. The hick town, in which I currently reside, can’t support one.

Showing 2 responses by stringreen

I got Sirius free with my then new Porsche - when the trial was over, I subscribed for another year.  Truth be told, FM sounds better on some stations than does Sirius.  I have a Burmeister system in the car and listen to classical music when I'm driving, ...the local station sounds better and is free.
The easiest way to cancel Sirius after the paid subscription is to cancel/change your credit card.