Arguments devolve on threads to wordsmithing contests

Why is it that so many well-intentioned threads devolve into wordsmithing contests? Is it necessary to argue about the meaning of posts when the language thereof is reasonably clear on its face?
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Showing 4 responses by elizabeth

I think it is a part of being an audiophile.  
The joke of 'how many' for audiophiles would be "How many audiophiles does it take to screw in a lightbulb. One to screw in in. fifty to argue how it was screwed in, another two hundred would discus and fall to blows over whether it was the right bulb' Another couple of hundred would read about the light bulb changing and start new threads on how stupid the bulb changer is for xxx reasons, Dozens would start threads denouncing light bulbs as overpriced quackery, when candles do such a good job.Dozens more would defend the right to use lightbulbs... It would never end. Then someone would design a $599 light bulb and praise how it 'glows better than anything you ever saw' Dozens more would join in proclaiming the better light bulb. Then more audiophiles would stat complaining about 'snake oil' light bulbs...  
I could drag this out for hours of writing... I think you get the idea.
It is not 'smaller' it is narrower. Big difference. words are powerful. 
Keep cutting and eventually you will have an infinite number of them. Curiously, they will take up no more space the the one you started with.. if you pack them carefully. But my problem is... once they are infinitely thin..Do they still really HAVE a flat side??? Wouldn't the edge be way way thicker than what was the flat side when you started? So then you start cutting that edge...?? Will you eventually no longer HAVE a Mobius strip since the flats have shrunk to a one dimensional line at infinity???...   
Folkes whoom: wori abuot Gremmer; mine ulwaes enjoie, Sppeling two? Sum off us worri whay, two mulch
I think it is more like a candied scorpion. On still alive enough to sting your tongue while you're chewing it.                     
Or that great deal on an amplifier. The one where too late you discovered was a nesting place for Brown Recluse Spiders...       
Or that really nice chair you bought at St Vincent, turned out to be full of bedbugs, and now, since it was in your son's room, you have a houseful of bedbugs..The car has bedbugs, Your Parents have bedbugs, and everyone at his school has bedbugs.. Sadly you never heard of bedbugs before the teacher called and told you your son is a walking bedbug nest.... You wondered what all those marks were?