Ars Sonum/SBAM hook-up

Just got my Ars Sonum today and it sounds fabulous. I want to hook the SBAM into the tape loop and use my TT for one source and my CDP for another. Right now I am having a major brain phart and the manual is missing. I have it hooked up as follows- CDP to disk input
TT to input 3
Rec (I assume this is the tape output) to SBAM input.
SBAM output to input 2

Set Ars to input 2- nothing
Set Ars to disk input- sound.

But I assume that is coming straight off the CDP and not being processed through the SBAM. Help me out here, boys and girls. What has my feeble mind missed? Of course I will call Bobby in the morning, but for now, I'm stumped.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xswampwalker

Showing 1 response by tvad

The take home lesson is that there are special order Ars amps out there that vary somewhat in their configuration, and if you are buying used, you should verify based on s/n that the one you want is right for you.
Swampwalker (System | Threads | Answers)
A similar thing happened to me on a used component. I discovered it when something wasn't operating as it should. I asked the manufacturer if he had done the modification. "I can't recall", he said. I asked the original owner if he had requested the mod? "I dunno", he said.

Nonsense. How could the owner or the manufacturer not be aware of a non-standard configuration?

Ultimately, I corrected the problem with the manufacturer's guidance.

As Swampwalker said, buyer beware, and ask very specific questions when making a deal. Assume nothing.